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Karen Shewan - Visual Artist
The word Mandala comes from Sanskrit and means circle. Mandalas are used in Hinduism and Buddhism as aids to meditation. They consist of colourful patterns and symbols organised around a unifying centre. Buddhist monks traditionally make them out of sand. The mandalas are made with Therese Muskus and my husband Mel, and often with other adults or children joining in; they are most often created from natural materials found in the surrounding area. The Mandala is usually left to return to nature; for example the one we made on the beach was gradually washed back into the sea over a few days. The mandala in the Nomads Tent shop in Edinburgh, was made using artifacts, decorative items and jewellery from the storerooms in the shop. It was made to raise funds for the Mercy Corps Nepal earthquake appeal.

Fasgadh Festival Mandala, 2016
Dunain Community Woodland, Inverness

Fasgadh Festival Mandala, 2016
Dunain Community Woodland, Inverness

Detail of Autumn Mandala, 2013

Fasgadh Festival Mandala, 2016
Dunain Community Woodland, Inverness
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